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Stop Stressing About Your Productivity

Writer's picture: Jay T TriskoJay T Trisko

Now is not the time to be obsessed about your productivity, slowing down may feel uncomfortable right now but its the universe telling us to do so. Trust me, my OCD had me struggling with the onset of the stay at home orders, teaching my grade school kids, and even though my family of 4 was wearing the same pajamas every day for 3 months we some how had 4x the amount of laundry and it seemed like I would never get caught back up to my pre covid productivity levels, so I get it.

Here is the thing, we are all working harder and getting less done, at least in regards to the "old school" definition of productivity, but the world has changed and so should your view, so I encourage to check out this wonderful article I came across from written by Rainesford Stauffer


Slowing down might feel uncomfortable right now. That’s exactly why it’s necessary.

In case you haven’t already gathered from recent viral tweets, Shakespeare apparently wrote King Lear while quarantined. Nearly a century later, according to said tweets, Isaac Newton allegedly used his time in quarantine to develop calculus.

The quarantine angle may be new, but at their core, these statements are just versions of a message we’ve already heard a thousand different ways, in a thousand different motivational tweets and Pinteresty quotes: “You have the same number of hours in the day as Beyoncé. Rise and grind.”

That’s where I found myself a few days ago, churning out emails at 11 p.m. on a weeknight. As people around the country were transitioning to full-time work from home as a means of social distancing, I was anxiously continuing the grind in spite of current events. And then, midway through yet another email, I got a text from my mom that my younger sister was sick. Not what you want to hear when #Covid-19 is trending on Twitter and the world is shutting down.

I didn’t finish that email. Suddenly, productivity felt superficial. All I wanted to do in that moment — all I’ve wanted to do since — was slow down.

It shouldn’t have taken a global pandemic to snap me out of my hustle tunnel vision, but here we are. With the way productivity obsession has knit itself into our cultural fabric, it’s unsurprising that the spread of the coronavirus has been punctuated with tweets, articles, and well-meaning listicles about how everyone can “optimize” working from home or use this period of social isolation to work on some self-improvement project. Right now, they tell us, is the time to take our lives back — to finally get around to all the projects we have outstanding, recipes we want to make, side hustles to launch, and exercise regimens to kick-start.

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